How to Say Thank You in Mohawk

The Mohawk people are a proud and noble people, and they are very proud of their culture and heritage. When you are traveling in their country, it is important to show them respect by saying thank you in their language. This shows them that you appreciate their culture and that you are willing to learn about it. Additionally, it is a sign of good manners and can help to build goodwill between you and the Mohawk people.

In shorts, Thank you in Mohawk is “tiawenne.”

How to Say Thank You in Mohawk

The Mohawk language is a member of the Iroquoian language family. It is spoken by the Mohawk people, who are indigenous to North America and primarily live in southeastern Canada and northern New York State. The Mohawk language is considered endangered, with only a few hundred speakers remaining. To say “thank you” in Mohawk, one can say “tawi ne karihwatennonhkon” or “karihwatennonhkon tawi ne”.


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Learn basic Mohawk words and phrases

how to say thank you in mohawk

Here are some basic Mohawk words and phrases:

Hello: A no:

Goodbye: Ha:we

Please: Tia:wen

Thank you: Wado:nen

Yes: Do:h

No: Wi:h

I’m sorry: Do:hko:wa:

I love you: Konoronhkwa

Different Situations To Say Thank You

  • When a friend gives you a gift, you can say “Ahno:wen kowa:nen tsi nia:wen ne sa:nonha.” Thank you very much for the gift.
  • When a person helps you, you can say “Ahno:wen kowa:nen tsi nia:wen ne sa:nonha.” Thank you very much for your help.
  • When you learn something new, you can say “Ahno:wen kowa:nen tsi nia:wen ne sa:nonha.” Thank you very much for teaching me.
  • When someone does something nice for you, you can say “Ahno:wen kowa:nen tsi nia:wen ne sa:nonha.” Thank you very much for your kindness.
  • When someone does something for you that you have to pay for, you can say “Ahno:wen kowa:nen tsi nia:wen ne sa:nonha.” Thank you very much for your help.
  • When you appreciate someone’s advice, you can say “Ahno:wen kowa:nen tsi nia:wen ne sa:nonha.” Thank you very

Facts About The Mohawk Language

The Mohawk language is an Iroquoian language that is spoken by around 3,500 people in North America, mainly in southern Quebec and eastern Ontario in Canada and in northern New York State in the United States. It is also one of the six Iroquoian languages still spoken today.

The Mohawk language has a rich history. It was originally spoken by the Mohawk people, one of the Five Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. The Mohawk language was also one of the first Native American languages to be written down, with the first written record dating back to 1535.


Thanking someone in Mohawk is a way of showing respect and appreciation. It is a way of acknowledging the other person’s contribution, whether it is big or small. Saying thank you in Mohawk is a sign of good manners and is always appreciated.

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